If you ask a Montana local what they know about Libby, Montana they will mostly say, “Logging”. The Libby Loggers slogan has been around for decades due to the logging boom that took place in the early 1900’s. The logging community was one of the largest logging communities in the United States and was an example how to log sustainably. Transporting the large volumes of lumber across the country was effective due to the existence of the railroad, the river, and roadways.

As you enter the rural town the first thing you will notice is the thick forest that greats you. 70% of the forest in Libby, MT is owned by the Forest Service. The days of logging and mining might have come to end (for now) in Libby, MT but the breath taking views of the Kootenai Falls, the peaceful camping along the Lake Koocanusa, hiking in the Cabinet Mountains, fishing on pristine waters, viewing one of a kind historical museums, and experiencing the warm welcome of the local residents and businesses is alive and kicking.

Libby Montana honors their history in many ways but one that gets international attention is the annual Kootenai International Chainsaw Carving Championship which is the town hosts after Labor Day. The event is called the Clash of the Carvers. For a week, part of main street is shut down as world renowned chainsaw artists compete for a large cash prize. The largest of its kind. Local attendees as well as visitors from across state boarders flood the town to check out local, national, and international artists and vendors. For a week getting a hotel room will be difficult to come by but thank goodness for those vacation rentals. Many make a mini vacation out of it while visiting other Lincoln County attractions such as Leigh Lake, Kootanai Falls, Libby Dam, Heritage Museum, and down town attractions.

After 4 days of chainsaw artistry the competitors finish their entry piece. From there the chainsaw carvings are auctioned off to the highest bidder. This years Clash of the Carvers will be September 5-8, 2024. If you can drive up to Libby for the day, make a multi day trip and book a room or better yet camp on Lake Koocanusa, we know you won’t regret it but instead make incredible memories and have plenty of Instagram and Facebook material.

Come with our host Julie Mac as she takes you on a behind the scenes tour of the Clash of the Carvers and dive deep with local logging historian. Once again THANK YOU for stopping on by and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel so you can stay updated on all of the newest and latest episodes. Your LIKES and COMMENTs are appreciated. For more information about Montana’s Best visit: www.montanasbesttv.com

More information about Libby Visit: http://kootenaicountrymontana.com https://bestplacetostayinmontana.com https://www.clashofthecarvers.com https://www.libbyheritagemuseum.org http://www.libbychamber.org
All Copyrights belong to JMac Productions and Things To Do Media